Croc on the Rock

Painting Dimension : 18 x 26”

Medium : Oil on canvas

Unique number: RAS021902

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Featured animal:  Mugger crocodile (Crocodylus palustris)

Photo credit: Own composition

Location:  Ranganthittu, Mysore, India

Also known as marsh crocodile, this scene is iconic to anyone who has visited Ranganthittu Bird Sanctuary near Mysore.  A boat ride, which is how one can see this sanctuary, usually gets you a view of at least one crocodile basking on a rock.  Situated on the Cauvery River, this place is home to many nesting water birds. Female crocodiles dig holes in the sand for nesting and lay 40-50 eggs.  An interesting piece of information is that the gender of the hatchlings depends on the temperature during incubation. This reptile has been around for 4 million years, and is a great study of evolution and natural selection.


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